Ibanez RG920MQM FTW

By Published On: September 25th, 2012Categories: Gear News0 Comments on Ibanez RG920MQM FTWTags: , ,

I am a total sucker for maple fret boards!! I remember when I first realized I loved them!!! While I had played them before I still remember the epiphany or the “holy crap why didn’t I notice this before” moment. My brother scored a old Fuchsia Ibanez RG USA Custom with the matching mirrored pick guard and from that point on I was sold. And it’s not like a tone thing because I really don’t believe your fret board makes that much of a difference. It was more of a dryness to me. Maple always felt very dry and smooth to me where rosewood or ebony always had more of a tackyness to it. To me the maple just felt faster. Not that I’m doing any Racer X covers or anything but to me the maple just felt more natural.

Unfortunately, it seemed that Ibanez had kind of bailed on the maple for a while but over the last few years we have been seeing a lot of them come back. Yesterday on the mighty Facebook Ibanez tossed up a pic of their new RG920MQM which comes in the sexy blue I have pictured or a red that’s cool too. It’s a 25.5 scale so as far as I know still no extended scales with maple fret boards, Hence my still not having an extended scale Ibanez. But this is one I would love to have hanging on my wall!! If you want to drool while holding your credit card you can check it out on Guitar Center’s website HERE or get more details on it from the Ibanez website HERE.

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